Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Christmas Thank You!

Christmas is just days away and I wanted to share a very special thank you from one of the families that was helped by Altynai's Fund.  So for each of you that donated money to Altynai's Fund, shared an email or a Facebook post or said a prayer for Kyrgyz 65, THANK YOU!!!

Here is the message from the Littlejohn's:

Caleb (left) and Logan (right)

We want to share our heartfelt gratitude to all who invested a part of their lives into the families and children of the Kyrgyz65 whether it be through prayers, financial gifts or both.  Our family is now a family of four because you cared to share what God has given to you.
As of today, there are still only 9 children who have joined their forever families and this is going to be another tough holiday for those still in limbo so please don't forget to pray for them and encourage them.  They are in our thoughts and prayers every day and we cannot comprehend why our son was able to come home to us while all the other equally deserving children still have to wait.  Only God knows and some day we'll see the big picture.  It is our hope to see the remaining children join their families in 2013!
Our family wishes you and your family a blessed Christmas and a happy 2013.
Merry Christmas!!
The Littlejohn's
(Eric, Melissa, Caleb (Kyrgyzstan) and Logan

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!!!


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