Thursday, January 5, 2012


Phenomenal is the only word that describes the day that Ansley and I spent together today.  It was the perfect mother-daughter day and one that I am sure that neither one of us will forget.  We were able to bask in a full day of each others company and enjoy the amazing production of Wicked.  Ansley's homeroom teacher the last two years is the most dynamic and talented teacher that we have experienced thus far.  One of her many passions is singing in the opera here in Jacksonville and directing the school's drama club.  She organized an "unauthorized" field trip to see the musical and what a treat it was!  In fact, I was shocked during the show to hear Ansley and several of her classmates signing along with several of the songs.  I had no idea how she would have known the words so I asked her.  Her simple reply was "recess, Mom".  Mrs. Leinecker ( Ginger ) has been immersing them in Wicked music for a quite some time and they were proudly singing along.  Love that!  I found myself particularily moved by the song "For Good".  I realized that by knowing Ginger, Ansley has been changed for "good" and I am so grateful for the impact that she is making on my daughter.

Then I sat down to work on Altynai's Fund tonight and I realized that the song applies to so many people that I have been blessed to know through our adoption journeys, including many of you who have shown me so much love and support throughout the last 4 years.  I am undoubtedly a stronger and better woman.  So please enjoy the music video and I suspect that as you listen, you too will realize all the people in your own lives that touched you and changed you for "good".

One more phenomenal piece of news.... I got an update from Lifesong today and $20,800 has been donated to Altynai's Legacy Adoption Fund!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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